28 November 2009


And "what the fuck?" moment of the week belongs to this new Russian film entitled Virt, with a tag line "Not a Children's Game". Despite somewhat amateur look, this movie clearly stands out from the usual mainstream boredom of the Russian cinema, if only by its attempt to make some sort of sexploitation horror thriller. The nudity and sexual violence here are not just implied, it is integral part of the content, something that is not done in other Russian productions.
Still, I am not sure if this will be any good. But whether it's a simple erotic thriller or bad horror with cheesy sex violence, the effort draws attention, no doubt.
The film tells a story of a student Tania, that likes to go online and have virtual sex with strangers. Having internet nickname Cabiria, as the name of the main character in Fellini's Nights of Cabiria, she encounters some weirdo thinking he is erotic movie director, that, against her will, decides to give her the lead role in his movie. From now on he is controlling her fate, and no one knows how it's going to end.

And some nice pics:


  1. hummm..confuse, very confused to me!!!
    but, have hot-girls e "love" scenes...so, it´s ok!!!

    Time to go!!!

  2. It looks a little like Lynch too. The movies mixes dreams and fantasy with real life, the female character experiences paranoia and sort of temporal insanity. So the movie suppose to be confusing like that.

  3. Nekrosoma said...

    ""The movies mixes dreams and fantasy with real life, the female character experiences paranoia and sort of temporal insanity.""

    ahhh..I see!! but...continuous confused to me..hehe!!
